***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 003 The Stone Age***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 003 The Stone Age***
Video/Ancient Mesopotamia - Early Civilizations (Khan Academy)
Video/Ancient Mesopotamia - Introduction (History Den)
Video/Ancient Mesopotamia - Geography (History Den)
Video/Ancient Mesopotamia - Prehistory (History Den)
Video/Ancient Mesopotamia - Introduction (History Den)
Video/Ancient Mesopotamia - Geography (History Den)
Video/Ancient Mesopotamia - Prehistory (History Den)
Video/The Mysterious Peoples of the Zagros Mountains of Iran (History with Cy)
Video/Who were the Assyrians? (Epimetheus)
Video/Who were the Assyrians? (Epimetheus)
Video/Concise History of Ancient Assyria and the Assyrian Empire (History with Cy)
Video/Kings of Ancient Assyria (Useful Charts)
Video/Kings of Ancient Assyria (Useful Charts)
***Almost Forgotten - Shutruk Nakhunte***
***Ancient World - Climb the Stone Staircase***
***Ancient World - Wherever I Went, Let Him Go!***
***Ancient World - Blindsided***
***Ancient World - The New Kingdoms***
***Ancient World - Wherever I Went, Let Him Go!***
***Ancient World - Blindsided***
***Ancient World - The New Kingdoms***
***Ancients - The Sumerians***
***Ancients - Babylon***
***Conquerors - Ancient Mesopotamia, Sumer & Akkad***
***Conquerors - Sargon the Great***
***Conquerors - The Amorites and the Rise of Babylon***
***Conquerors - Hammurabi the Lawgiver***
***Conquerors - The Code of Hammurabi***
***Conquerors - Ancient Mesopotamia, Sumer & Akkad***
***Conquerors - Sargon the Great***
***Conquerors - The Amorites and the Rise of Babylon***
***Conquerors - Hammurabi the Lawgiver***
***Conquerors - The Code of Hammurabi***
Video/How Powerful Was Ancient Egypt? (Knowledgia)
Video/Egypt and the Outside World before the New Kingdom (AH Encyclopedia)
Video/Egypt and other Empires (AH Encyclopedia)
Video/Egypt and the Outside World before the New Kingdom (AH Encyclopedia)
Video/Egypt and other Empires (AH Encyclopedia)
***Actually Interesting History - The Great Sphinx of Giza***
***Ancient World - Climb the Stone Staircase***
***Ancient World - The Pyramid Builders***
***Ancient World - Blindsided***
***Ancient World - The New Kingdoms***
***Ancient World - The Pyramid Builders***
***Ancient World - Blindsided***
***Ancient World - The New Kingdoms***
***Ancients - Nefertiti***
***Ancients - Tutankhamun***
***Ancients - Rosetta Stone***
***Conquerors - Land of the Nile***
***Conquerors - Ahmose the Liberator***
***Conquerors - Thutmose III - The Napoleon of Egypt***
***Conquerors - Land of the Nile***
***Conquerors - Ahmose the Liberator***
***Conquerors - Thutmose III - The Napoleon of Egypt***
***Dirt - Merry Hyksmas!***
***Deviant Women - Hatshepsut***
***Deviant Women - Hatshepsut***
***Ithaca Bound - Amarna***
***Maritime History - Amarna Letters and Some Lukkan Pirates***
***Our Fake History - Who Built the Pyramids? (Part I)***
***Our Fake History - Who Built the Pyramids? (Part II)***
***Our Fake History - Who Built the Pyramids? (Part III)***
***Queens Podcast - Nefertiti***
***Our Fake History - Who Built the Pyramids? (Part I)***
***Our Fake History - Who Built the Pyramids? (Part II)***
***Our Fake History - Who Built the Pyramids? (Part III)***
***Queens Podcast - Nefertiti***
Podcast/Suppiluliuma (The Almost Forgotten)
Map/Extent of the Hittite Empire (14th century BC)
Map/Reach of the Hittite Empire's Influence (13th century BC)
Map/Extent of the Hittite Empire (14th century BC)
Map/Reach of the Hittite Empire's Influence (13th century BC)
Video/Battle of Kadesh, 1274 BC - Clash of the Ancient Superpowers (HistoryMarche)
Video/The Battle of Kadesh, 1274 BC (Egyptian - Hittite War) (Kings and Generals)
Video/The Battle of Kadesh, 1274 BC (Egyptian - Hittite War) (Kings and Generals)
Podcast/Look Upon My Works (The Ancient World)
Photo/Treaty of Kadesh (Hittite Cuneiform)
Photo/Treaty of Kadesh (Egyptian Hieroglyphs)
Photo/Treaty of Kadesh (Hittite Cuneiform)
Photo/Treaty of Kadesh (Egyptian Hieroglyphs)
Photo/Rameses III Mortuary Temple at Medinet Habu
Photo/Northeast Wall of Rameses III Mortuary Temple at Medinet Habu
Photo/Northeast Wall of Rameses III Mortuary Temple at Medinet Habu
Podcast/A History of Epic (Ancient Greece Declassified)
Video/Epic Poetry (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/Epic Poetry (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/The Iliad (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/What's the Point of the Iliad? (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/What's the Point of the Iliad? (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 008 The "Dark Age" and Homer***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 009 Greek Resurgence***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 009 Greek Resurgence***
Photo/Temple of Apollo at Delphi
Photos/Delphi Archaeological Site
Photos/Delphi Archaeological Museum
Photos/Delphi Archaeological Site
Photos/Delphi Archaeological Museum
Video/Lets Visit the Oracle of Delphi (Invicta History)
Video/Assassin's Creed Odyssey Delphi Walkthrough
Video/Assassin's Creed Odyssey Delphi Walkthrough
***Ancient World - In the Midst of the Seas***
***Ancient World - The Three Pillars***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 019 Poets and Wise Rulers***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 045 Music and Victory Odes***
***Ancient Greece Declassified - Sappho: The Tenth Muse***
Video/Herodotus in Egypt - Crocodile Hunting in Ancient Egypt (Sand Rhoman)
Photo/Relief of Amasis II from Karnak
Photo/Bust of Amasis II
Photo/Relief of Psammetichos III from Karnak
Photo/Bust of Psammetichos III
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 050 Early Tragedy and Aeschylus***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 051 Sophocles***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 052 Early Euripides***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 053 Euripides at War***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 054 Old Comedy and Aristophanes***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 067 Hephaistos and Hermes***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 013 Hoplite Warfare***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 014 Colonization and the West***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 014 Colonization and the West***
Photo/"Stele of the Vultures" (earliest phalanx depiction?)
Video/The Greek Hoplite (Ancient History Guy)
Video/The Greek Hoplite (Ancient History Guy)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 014 Colonization and the West***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 028 The Rise of Carthage***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 029 The First Greco-Punic War***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 028 The Rise of Carthage***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 029 The First Greco-Punic War***
Video/How Carthage Explored the World in Antiquity (Invicta History)
Video/Hanno the Navigator (Archaia Istoria)
Video/Hanno the Navigator (Archaia Istoria)
***Ancient World - The Three Pillars***
***Ithaca Bound - Carthage***
***Almost Forgotten - Pye***
***Ancient History Fangirl - Thracians: Shoot the Messenger***
***Ancient History Fangirl - Thracians: Heart of Ares***
***Ancient World - The Voyage of Solon***
***Ancient History Fangirl - Thracians: Shoot the Messenger***
***Ancient History Fangirl - Thracians: Heart of Ares***
***Ancient World - The Voyage of Solon***
***Ancients - King Midas***
Photo/Black-Figure Amphora with Achilles Killing Penthesilea by Exekias
Photo/Black-Figure Amphora with Achilles Killing Penthesilea by Exekias
Photo/Black-Figure Amphora with Achilles Killing Penthesilea by Exekias
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 018 From Epic to Lyric******The History of Ancient Greece Ep 019 Poets and Wise Rulers***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 045 Music and Victory Odes***
Video/Ancient Greek Music (Classics for All)
Video/Oldest Song from Ancient Greece: The Seikilos Song (AH Encyclopedia)
Video/Oldest Song from Ancient Greece: The Seikilos Song (AH Encyclopedia)
***Sweetbitter | A Sappho Podcast***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 020 The Intellectual Revolution***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 020 The Intellectual Revolution***
***History of Philosophy - Heraclitus***
***History of Philosophy - The Road Less Traveled: Parmenides***
***History of Philosophy - You Can't Get There From Here: Zeno and Melissus***
***History of Philosophy - The Final Cut: Democritus and Leucippus***
***History of Philosophy - Mind Over Mixture: Anaxagoras***
***History of Philosophy - All You Need is Love, and Five Other Things: Empedocles***
***History of Philosophy - The Road Less Traveled: Parmenides***
***History of Philosophy - You Can't Get There From Here: Zeno and Melissus***
***History of Philosophy - The Final Cut: Democritus and Leucippus***
***History of Philosophy - Mind Over Mixture: Anaxagoras***
***History of Philosophy - All You Need is Love, and Five Other Things: Empedocles***
***Our Fake History - Was Pythagoras Killed By Beans?
***Scientific Odyssey - The Philosophical Atom***
***Words for Granted - Philosophy***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 021 Athletics and the Panhellenic Games***
***Scientific Odyssey - The Philosophical Atom***
***Words for Granted - Philosophy***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 021 Athletics and the Panhellenic Games***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 022 Sparta Ascendant***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 023 This is Sparta!***
Map/Southern Peloponnesus
Video/The Spartans (History Den)
Audio/Conversing The Classics - Sparta
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 023 This is Sparta!***
Map/Southern Peloponnesus
Video/The Spartans (History Den)
Audio/Conversing The Classics - Sparta
Video/The History of Ancient Sparta and the Spartans (History with Cy)
Video/The Animated History of Sparta (Ancient History Guy)
Video/The Animated History of Sparta (Ancient History Guy)
Video/How Did Sparta Go to War? (Invicta History)
Photo/"Menelaion" Shrine at Amyclae
Photo/Remains of the Temple of Artemis Orthia at Sparta
Photo/Ivory Votive Plaque of Artemis Orthia
Photo/"Menelaion" Shrine at Amyclae
Photo/Remains of the Temple of Artemis Orthia at Sparta
Photo/Ivory Votive Plaque of Artemis Orthia
Photo/Bronze Statuette of Running Spartan Girl
Photo/Laconian Black-Figure Hydria with Gorgon's head, Sphinxes, and Cranes
Photo/Laconian Black-Figure Kylix of "The Rider"
Photo/Laconian Black-Figure Cup of Zeus and Eagle
Photo/Laconian Black-Figure Hydria with Gorgon's head, Sphinxes, and Cranes
Photo/Laconian Black-Figure Kylix of "The Rider"
Photo/Laconian Black-Figure Cup of Zeus and Eagle
***Ancient Heroes - Everything We Thought About Sparta a Lie?***
***Ancient World - Count No Man Happy***
***Ancient World - Count No Man Happy***
***Plutarch - Lycurgus***
***Rest is History - Sparta***
***You're Dead To Me - The Spartans***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 024 Early Athens***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 025 The Reforms of Solon***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 026 The Tyranny of the Peisistratids***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 027 The Democracy of Cleisthenes***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 024 Early Athens***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 025 The Reforms of Solon***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 026 The Tyranny of the Peisistratids***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 027 The Democracy of Cleisthenes***
***Ancient History Fangirl - Amazons: Warrior Women of the Ancient Steppe***
***Ancient History Hound - Wonder Woman, Amazons, and Women Warriors***
***Ancient History Hound - Ostracism, a Very Tall Woman, and Tyrants***
***Ancient History Hound - Wonder Woman, Amazons, and Women Warriors***
***Ancient History Hound - Ostracism, a Very Tall Woman, and Tyrants***
Podcast/Ancient World Carchemish Series - traces history of Neo-Hittite Kingdom
***Dirt - The Neo-Assyrians***
***Head on History - The Assyrians and Heroic Kingship***
***History of Persia - Assyria and Setting the Stage***
***History of Persia - Babylonians and Medes***
***History of Persia - Assyria and Setting the Stage***
***History of Persia - Babylonians and Medes***
***Maritime History - Early Iron Age "Balkanization"***
***Maritime History - Rise of the Phoenicians***
***Wonders of the World - The Hanging Gardens of Babylon***
***Maritime History - Rise of the Phoenicians***
***Wonders of the World - The Hanging Gardens of Babylon***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 030 Herodotus and the Rise of Persia***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 031 Cyrus the Great***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 032 Cambyses***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 033 The "Great King" Darius***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 034 Rising Tensions***
Video/Why is Herodotus Called “The Father of History”? (TED-Ed)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 030 Herodotus and the Rise of Persia***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 031 Cyrus the Great***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 032 Cambyses***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 033 The "Great King" Darius***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 034 Rising Tensions***
Video/Why is Herodotus Called “The Father of History”? (TED-Ed)
Video/How Did the Persians Overthrow the Medes? (Ancient History Guy)
Photo/Relief of Cyaxerxes at Qyzqapan Tomb
Photo/Relief of Cyaxerxes at Qyzqapan Tomb
Video/Entire History of the Persian Achaemenid Empire (550-330 BC) (History Time)
Video/Ancient Persia (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/Ancient Persia (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/Early Kings and the Founding of the Persian Kingdom of Anshan (History with Cy)
Video/Cyrus the Great Establishes the Achaemenid Empire (Khan Academy)
Video/Cyrus the Great Establishes the Achaemenid Empire (Khan Academy)
Video/The Conquest of The Lydian Kingdom (Ancient History Guy)
Map/Location of Halys River and Pteria
Photo/Citadel of Sardis (Battle of Thymbra took place below it)
Photo/Battle of Thymbra (Formations and Attack)
Video/The Siege of Sardis (546 BCE) (History Dude)
Photo/Vase Painting of Lydian King Croesus on the Pyre
Map/Greek City-States in Asia Minor
Map/Ancient Near East in 540 BC
Map/Cyrus' Invasion of Babylonia
Video/The Fall of Babylon (539 BCE) (History Dude)
Photo/Relief of Nabonidus Praying to the Moon, Sun, and Venus
Photo/"Nabonidus Chronicle"
Map/Location of Halys River and Pteria
Photo/Citadel of Sardis (Battle of Thymbra took place below it)
Photo/Battle of Thymbra (Formations and Attack)
Video/The Siege of Sardis (546 BCE) (History Dude)
Photo/Vase Painting of Lydian King Croesus on the Pyre
Map/Greek City-States in Asia Minor
Map/Ancient Near East in 540 BC
Map/Cyrus' Invasion of Babylonia
Video/The Fall of Babylon (539 BCE) (History Dude)
Photo/Relief of Nabonidus Praying to the Moon, Sun, and Venus
Photo/"Nabonidus Chronicle"
Video/Why were the Iranian Empires so Successful? (Kings and Generals)
Map/The Achaemenid Empire's Growth
Map/Provinces of Persian Empire (at its greatest extent)
Map/The Achaemenid Empire's Growth
Map/Provinces of Persian Empire (at its greatest extent)
Photo/Ruins of the Audience Palace at Pasargadae
Photo/Cyrus Stele at Pasargadae
Photo/"I am Cyrus, Achaemenid King" in Old Persian, Elamite and Akkadian at Pasargadae
Photo/Cyrus Stele at Pasargadae
Photo/"I am Cyrus, Achaemenid King" in Old Persian, Elamite and Akkadian at Pasargadae
Video/The Death of Cyrus the Great (Athena Productions)
Photo/Tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae (Front View)
Photo/Tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae (Side View)
Photo/Tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae (Front View)
Photo/Tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae (Side View)
Map/Eastern Mediterranean
Video/Polycrates and his Unfortunate Good Luck (Monarchs Factory)
Video/Life of Democedes (Ancient History Guy)
Map/Ancient Lower EgyptVideo/Polycrates and his Unfortunate Good Luck (Monarchs Factory)
Video/Life of Democedes (Ancient History Guy)
Video/Herodotus in Egypt - Crocodile Hunting in Ancient Egypt (Sand Rhoman)
Photo/Relief of Amasis II from Karnak
Photo/Bust of Amasis II
Photo/Relief of Psammetichos III from Karnak
Photo/Bust of Psammetichos III
Photo/Relief of Cambyses Kneeling as Pharaoh While Worshipping a Dead Apis Bull
Photo/Statue of Apis Bull
Photo/Relief of Cambyses Kneeling as Pharaoh While Worshipping a Dead Apis Bull
Photo/Statue of Apis Bull
Photo/Tomb of Cambyses at Pasargadae (Front View)
Photo/Tomb of Cambyses at Pasargadae (Side View)
Video/Zoroastrianism (Khan Academy)
Video/The Religion that Shaped Ancient Iran (Archaia Istoria)
Photo/Tomb of Cambyses at Pasargadae (Side View)
Video/Zoroastrianism (Khan Academy)
Video/The Religion that Shaped Ancient Iran (Archaia Istoria)
Video/Darius the Great - Persia Rises Part 3 (Yore History)
Video/Darius I and The Greatest Lie in History (Kings and Generals)
Video/Darius I and The Greatest Lie in History (Kings and Generals)
Photo/Archaeological Plan of Persepolis
Photo/Ruins of the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis (Side View)
Photo/Ruins of the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis (Front View)
Photo/Lamassu at the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis (Side View)
Photo/Lamassu at the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis (Front View)
Photo/The Great Double Staircase at Persepolis
Photo/Ruins of the Apadana at Persepolis (Front View)
Photo/Ruins of the Apadana at Persepolis (Rear View)
Photo/Ruins of the Apadana Columns at Persepolis
Photo/Eastern Stairway of Apadana at Persepolis
Photo/Reliefs on Stairway of Apadana at Persepolis of Delegations Bringing Tribute
Video/Bull Capital from Apadana at Susa (Smart History)
Photo/Bull Capital from Apadana at Susa
Photo/Ruins of the Tachara at Persepolis (Side View)
Photo/Ruins of the Tachara at Persepolis (Front View)
Photo/Ruins of the Tachara at Persepolis
Photo/Relief of Darius and Xerxes (National Museum of Iran)
Photo/Relief of Darius at Persepolis
Photo/Darius as Egyptian Pharaoh at Temple of Hibis
Photo/Archer's Frieze at Darius' Palace in Susa
Photo/Ruins of the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis (Side View)
Photo/Ruins of the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis (Front View)
Photo/Lamassu at the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis (Side View)
Photo/Lamassu at the Gate of All Nations at Persepolis (Front View)
Photo/The Great Double Staircase at Persepolis
Photo/Ruins of the Apadana at Persepolis (Front View)
Photo/Ruins of the Apadana at Persepolis (Rear View)
Photo/Ruins of the Apadana Columns at Persepolis
Photo/Eastern Stairway of Apadana at Persepolis
Photo/Reliefs on Stairway of Apadana at Persepolis of Delegations Bringing Tribute
Video/Bull Capital from Apadana at Susa (Smart History)
Photo/Bull Capital from Apadana at Susa
Photo/Ruins of the Tachara at Persepolis (Side View)
Photo/Ruins of the Tachara at Persepolis (Front View)
Photo/Ruins of the Tachara at Persepolis
Photo/Relief of Darius and Xerxes (National Museum of Iran)
Photo/Relief of Darius at Persepolis
Photo/Darius as Egyptian Pharaoh at Temple of Hibis
Photo/Archer's Frieze at Darius' Palace in Susa
Map/The Achaemenid Empire (ca. 500 BC)
Video/Horse Lords: A Brief History of the Scythians (History Time)
Video/History of the Scythians (History Den)
Video/Horse Lords: A Brief History of the Scythians (History Time)
Video/History of the Scythians (History Den)
Video/Herodotus & the Scythians: The First Hotbox in History (Sand Rhoman)
Photo/Stele of Letter from Darius to Gadatas
Photo/The Tomb of Darius at Persepolis
Photo/Stele of Letter from Darius to Gadatas
Photo/The Tomb of Darius at Persepolis
***Ancient Heroes - The World's First Superpower***
***Ancient World - Place of God***
***Ancient World - Behistun Hat-Trick***
***Ancient World - Place of God***
***Ancient World - Behistun Hat-Trick***
***Ancient World - Captives of Babylon***
***Ancient World - The Last Kings of Babylon***
***Ancient World - Count No Man Happy***
***Ancient World - When the Mede Came***
***Ancient World - A More Perfect Empire***
***Ancient World - The Lost Army***
***Ancient World - Land of Imposters***
***Ancient World - Things Fixed, Things Moving***
***Ancient World - Democracy and Republic, Part 1***
***Ancient World - The Last Kings of Babylon***
***Ancient World - Count No Man Happy***
***Ancient World - When the Mede Came***
***Ancient World - A More Perfect Empire***
***Ancient World - The Lost Army***
***Ancient World - Land of Imposters***
***Ancient World - Things Fixed, Things Moving***
***Ancient World - Democracy and Republic, Part 1***
***Ancients - Horse Archery***
***Dirt - Nabonidus***
***Dirt - What Spake Zarathustra?***
***Head on History - Achaemenid Empire and Universal Kingship***
***History in the Making - The Tension***
***Head on History - Achaemenid Empire and Universal Kingship***
***History in the Making - The Tension***
***History of Persia - Fill in the Titles***
***History of Persia - Who Are You Again?***
***History of Persia - Governing an Empire***
***History of Persia - King of Kings***
***History of Persia - Iranian Religion***
***History of Persia - Kingship 101***
***History of Persia - Princes, Princesses, Kings, and Queens***
***History of Persia - Who Are You Again?***
***History of Persia - Governing an Empire***
***History of Persia - King of Kings***
***History of Persia - Iranian Religion***
***History of Persia - Kingship 101***
***History of Persia - Princes, Princesses, Kings, and Queens***
***History of Persia - The Tyrant and The Kings***
***History of Persia - Three Kings and The Magi***
***History of Persia - Three Kings and The Magi***
***Ithaca Bound - Herodotus***
***Rest is History - Persia***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 035 The Ionian Revolt***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 036 The Marathonomachoi***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 037 Molon Labe***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 038 Behind the Wooden Walls***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 039 The Greek Counterattack***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 036 The Marathonomachoi***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 037 Molon Labe***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 038 Behind the Wooden Walls***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 039 The Greek Counterattack***
Video/Battle of Marathon - Persia and Greece Collide (Yore History)
Video/The Battle of Marathon Debunked - Facts and Myths (Sand Rhoman)
Map/Battle of Marathon (Initial Situation)
Map/Battle of Marathon (Greek Double Envelopment)
Photo/Reconstruction of Beached Ships at Marathon
Video/The Battle of Marathon Debunked - Facts and Myths (Sand Rhoman)
Map/Battle of Marathon (Initial Situation)
Map/Battle of Marathon (Greek Double Envelopment)
Photo/Reconstruction of Beached Ships at Marathon
Photo/Helmet and Skull from Marathon
Photo/Helmet of Miltiades
Photo/Bust of Miltiades
Photo/Modern Statue of Pheidippides along Marathon Road
Photo/Ostraka with Xanthippus' Name Inscribed
Photo/Ostraka with Aristeides' Name Inscribed
Photos/Laurium Silver Mines
Photo/Ruins of Silver Mines at Laurium
Photo/Ostrakon with Themistokles' Name Inscribed
Photo/Roman Bust of Themistokles
Photo/Helmet of Miltiades
Photo/Bust of Miltiades
Photo/Modern Statue of Pheidippides along Marathon Road
Photo/Ostraka with Xanthippus' Name Inscribed
Photo/Ostraka with Aristeides' Name Inscribed
Photos/Laurium Silver Mines
Photo/Ruins of Silver Mines at Laurium
Photo/Ostrakon with Themistokles' Name Inscribed
Photo/Roman Bust of Themistokles
Map/Persian Movements to Thermopylae, Artemisium, Salamis, and Plataea
Video/Thermopylae: The Battle for Europe? (Penn Museum)
Video/Battle of Thermopylae (History Den)
Video/Thermopylae - The Hellenic Alliance (Extra Credits)
Video/Thermopylae - East vs. West (Extra Credits)
Video/Thermopylae: The Battle for Europe? (Penn Museum)
Video/Battle of Thermopylae (History Den)
Video/Thermopylae - The Hellenic Alliance (Extra Credits)
Video/Thermopylae - East vs. West (Extra Credits)
Video/Why Were The Thebans At Thermopylae? (Ancient History Guy)
Photo/Ancient Coastline at Thermopylae
Photo/Hot Springs at Thermopylae
Map/Topography of Thermopylae in 480 BC
Map/Thermopylae and Artemisium Campaign
Map/Battle of Thermopylae
Map/Battle of Thermopylae and Movements to Salamis
Photo/Epigram of Semonides at Thermopylae
Photo/Leonidas Monument at Thermopylae
Photo/Thespians' Monument at Thermopylae
Video/Is The 300 Spartans Story Real? (Knowledgia)
Video/The Battle Of Thermopylae Dissected (Sand Rhoman)
Video/Battle of Thermopylae, But Drunk (Sand Rhoman)
Video/The Spartan Myth & Nazi Propaganda (Sand Rhoman)
Video/300 | Based on a True Story (The Cynical Historian)
Photo/Themistocles' Troezen Decree
Photo/Ancient Coastline at Thermopylae
Photo/Hot Springs at Thermopylae
Map/Topography of Thermopylae in 480 BC
Map/Thermopylae and Artemisium Campaign
Map/Battle of Thermopylae
Map/Battle of Thermopylae and Movements to Salamis
Photo/Epigram of Semonides at Thermopylae
Photo/Leonidas Monument at Thermopylae
Photo/Thespians' Monument at Thermopylae
Video/Is The 300 Spartans Story Real? (Knowledgia)
Video/The Battle Of Thermopylae Dissected (Sand Rhoman)
Video/Battle of Thermopylae, But Drunk (Sand Rhoman)
Video/The Spartan Myth & Nazi Propaganda (Sand Rhoman)
Video/300 | Based on a True Story (The Cynical Historian)
Photo/Themistocles' Troezen Decree
Map/Initial Movements of Battle of Plataea
Map/Main Phase of Battle of Plataea
Photo/"Snake Column", Originally at Delphi but now at Hippodrome in Constantinople
Map/Main Phase of Battle of Plataea
Photo/"Snake Column", Originally at Delphi but now at Hippodrome in Constantinople
***Ancient History Hound - The Idea of Marathon***
***Ancient World - On The Verge***
***Antiquitas - Leonidas***
***Antiquitas - Marathon***
***Antiquitas - Thermopylae***
***Antiquitas - Thermopylae and Us, A Conversation with Brett McKay***
***Antiquitas - Battle of Salamis***
***Antiquity in Question - The Persian Wars, Who am I and Who are You?***
***Deviant Women - Artemisia I of Caria******Ancient World - On The Verge***
***Antiquitas - Leonidas***
***Antiquitas - Marathon***
***Antiquitas - Thermopylae***
***Antiquitas - Thermopylae and Us, A Conversation with Brett McKay***
***Antiquitas - Battle of Salamis***
***Antiquity in Question - The Persian Wars, Who am I and Who are You?***
***Wonders of the World - The Eternal Fires of Mount Chimaera***
***You're Dead to Me - The Battle of Salamis***
***You're Dead to Me - The Battle of Salamis***
***Plutarch - Aristides***
Audio/Conversing the Classics - Athens
Video/The Constitution of Athens (Historia Civilis)
Audio/Conversing the Classics, Series II - Democracy
Video/The Constitution of Athens (Historia Civilis)
Audio/Conversing the Classics, Series II - Democracy
Video/Ancient Democracy: What is Democracy and Where Did it Start? (AH Encyclopedia)
Video/What Did Democracy Really Mean in Athens? (TED-Ed)
Video/Athenian Democracy (Archaia Istoria)
Video/What Did Democracy Really Mean in Athens? (TED-Ed)
Video/Athenian Democracy (Archaia Istoria)
Video/Athenian Democracy (Peopling the Past)
Chart/Constitutional Structure of Athenian Democracy
Map/Demes and Tribes of Attica
Chart/Constitutional Structure of Athenian Democracy
Map/Demes and Tribes of Attica
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 049 Theater and the Dionysia******The History of Ancient Greece Ep 050 Early Tragedy and Aeschylus***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 051 Sophocles***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 052 Early Euripides***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 053 Euripides at War***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 054 Old Comedy and Aristophanes***
Video/What is Theater? (Crash Course)
Video/Thespis, Athens, and the Origins of Greek Drama (Crash Course)
Video/Tragedy Lessons from Aristotle (Crash Course)
Video/Thespis, Athens, and the Origins of Greek Drama (Crash Course)
Video/Tragedy Lessons from Aristotle (Crash Course)
Video/Philosophy and Tragedy (The Western Canon)
Video/Why Tragedies are Alluring (TED-Ed)
Video/The Battle of the Greek Tragedies (TED-Ed)
Video/Why Tragedies are Alluring (TED-Ed)
Video/The Battle of the Greek Tragedies (TED-Ed)
Video/The Oresteia (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/Oresteia: Agamemnon, Aeschylus (Center for Hellenic Studies)
Video/Oresteia: Agamemnon, Aeschylus (Center for Hellenic Studies)
Video/Oresteia: Choephoroi, Aeschylus (Center for Hellenic Studies)
Photo/Vase Painting of Orestes, Electra, and Hermes in Front of Agamemnon's Tomb
Photo/Vase Painting of Orestes, Electra, and Hermes in Front of Agamemnon's Tomb
Photo/Vase Painting of Odysseus and Diomedes Stealing Horses of Rhesus
Video/How Admetus Avoided Death (Monarchs Factory)
Audio/Conversing The Classics - MedeaVideo/How Admetus Avoided Death (Monarchs Factory)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 055 The Dionysian Mysteries***
Photo/Neolithic Statue from Catalhoyuk of a Seated Woman (Cybele?)
Photo/Neolithic Statue from Catalhoyuk of a Seated Woman (Cybele?)
Video/Dionysus - God of Wine and Madness (Monarchs Factory)
Video/Dionysus (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/Dionysus (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
***Ancient History Fangirl - Dionysus: Religion of Revolution***
***Ancient History Fangirl - Dionysus: Myths and Madness***
***Ancient History Fangirl - Dionysus: Myths and Madness***
***History of European Theatre - The Bacchae: Dionysus is Coming Home***
***Literature and History - Euripides' The Bacchae***
***Literature and History - Euripides' The Bacchae***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 056 Classical Sculptures***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 057 Classical Paintings***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 058 Classical Temples***
Video/Greek Sculpture: Painted Marble, not White! (Ancient History Encyclopedia)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 057 Classical Paintings***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 058 Classical Temples***
Video/Greek Sculpture: Painted Marble, not White! (Ancient History Encyclopedia)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 059 Olympian Zeus***
Video/Clash of the Gods - Zeus (History Channel)
Video/Clash of the Gods - Zeus (History Channel)
***Ancients - Zeus***
Video/Clash of the Gods - Hades (History Channel)
Video/The God of Underworld, Hades (Mythology Short Stories)
Video/The God of Underworld, Hades (Mythology Short Stories)
***MythTake - Pluto/Hades***
Video/The Wrath Of Demeter (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/Hades and Persephone (Monarchs Factory)
Video/Hades and Persephone (Monarchs Factory)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 063 The Lord of the Sea***
Video/Poseidon, God of the Sea and Horses (AH Encyclopedia)
Video/Poseidon, God of the Sea and Horses (AH Encyclopedia)
***Ithaca Bound - Athena***
Myths and Legends - Athena: Friends in Need
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 065 The Athenian Acropolis***
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 066 The Athenian Agora***
Video/Ancient Acropolis and Agora (Rick Steves)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 066 The Athenian Agora***
Video/Ancient Acropolis and Agora (Rick Steves)
***The History of Ancient Greece Ep 067 Hephaistos and Hermes***
Video/Ares, Olympian God of War (Monarchs Factory)
Photo/Vase Painting of Phobos and Deimos Accompanying Ares into Battle
Photo/Areopagus (Hill of Ares) at Athens
Photo/Areopagus (Hill of Ares) at Athens
Video/Hephaestus, the God of Fire and Metallurgy (AH Encyclopedia)
Video/Hephaestus and the Throne of Hera (Monarchs Factory)
Video/The Greek Myth of Talos, the First Robot (TED-Ed)Video/Hephaestus and the Throne of Hera (Monarchs Factory)
Video/The Proto-Robots of Antiquity (Kings and Things)
Video/Hermes and Loki and Tricksters (Crash Course)
Video/Hermes and Loki and Tricksters (Crash Course)
Photo/Vase Painting of Winged Iris Holding a Caduceus
Photo/Vase Painting of Hermes Hastening with Caduceus in Hand
Photo/Vase Painting of Hermes and Maia
Photo/Vase Painting of Hermes Psychopompos ("Sarpedon Krater")
Photo/Vase Painting of Herm
Photo/Archaic Greek Herm of Hermes
Photo/Archaic Bearded Hermes (from a Herm)
Photo/Statue of Hermes Kriophoros
Photo/Roman Statue of Pan Making Love to a Goat
Photo/Vase Painting of Hermes Wearing his Petasos (Traveler's Hat)
Photo/Statue of Hermes the Traveler (Roman Copy of Greek Original)
Photo/Statue of Hermes the Traveler (Roman Copy of Greek Original)
Photo/Statue of Hermes Logios (Roman Copy of Greek Original)
Photo/Statue of Hermes the Athlete (Roman Copy of Greek Original)
Photo/Vase Painting of Hermes Hastening with Caduceus in Hand
Photo/Vase Painting of Hermes and Maia
Photo/Vase Painting of Hermes Psychopompos ("Sarpedon Krater")
Photo/Vase Painting of Herm
Photo/Archaic Greek Herm of Hermes
Photo/Archaic Bearded Hermes (from a Herm)
Photo/Statue of Hermes Kriophoros
Photo/Roman Statue of Pan Making Love to a Goat
Photo/Vase Painting of Hermes Wearing his Petasos (Traveler's Hat)
Photo/Statue of Hermes the Traveler (Roman Copy of Greek Original)
Photo/Statue of Hermes the Traveler (Roman Copy of Greek Original)
Photo/Statue of Hermes Logios (Roman Copy of Greek Original)
Photo/Statue of Hermes the Athlete (Roman Copy of Greek Original)
***Myths and Legends - Baby Steps***
***MythTake - Mercury/Hermes***
***MythTake - Mars/Ares***
***MythTake - Mercury/Hermes***
***MythTake - Mars/Ares***
***History Hack - Who Were the Ancient Greeks?***
***History Uncensored - Ancient Greek Slave State***
***History Uncensored - Ancient Greek Slave State***