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Friday, July 1, 2016

013 - Hoplite Warfare

In this episode, we discuss the revolutionary changes in warfare that took place in the 8th and 7th centuries BC that were strictly Greek and reflect the abstract nature of the polis; the type of armor worn and weaponry employed by a typical hoplite; the organization and training of military forces; their application of tactics in a typical battle sequence; the cultic practices of the bloodlust god, Ares, who personifies the grim and horrific aspects of warfare; and the Lelantine War, the first large-scale war on the Greek record after the mythical Trojan War and the first instance in which these military changes were employed

ca. 725-650 BC - the Lelantine War took place pitting Eretria, Miletus, Aegina,  Megara, and Chios versus Chalcis, Samos, Corinth, Erythrai, and Thessaly
ca. 700 BC - Lefkandi was destroyed, probably by Chalcis
ca. 650 BC - the Chigi vase is the earliest depiction of hoplite warfare in Greek art

Supplementary Resources (Videos, Photos, Other Podcasts)

Video/Conflict & War (Digital Diogenes)

Video/Classical Warfare (Overly Sarcastic Productions)


Related image

a ProtoCorinthian Olpe ca. 650-640 BCE by the Chigi Painter depicting a Hoplite phalanx. Source: Wikimedia Commons

File:Kopis 2.jpg



File:Lelantischer Krieg.png

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