In this episode, we discuss the years 411-410 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the third and final treaty between the Spartans and Tissaphernes; the comedic plays "Lysistrata" and "Thesmophoriazusai" by Aristophanes; how the Athenians succumbed to civil war for the first time in nearly a century and saw an overthrow of their democracy by what is known as the 400; the vicissitudes of this new oligarchic government; and how factionalism between extremists and moderates led to its downfall
Primary Sources:
Thucydides' The History of the Peloponnesian War (Book 8)
Thucydides' The History of the Peloponnesian War (Book 8)
Aristotle's Constitution of the Athenians
Plutarch's Life of Alcibiades
Diodorus Siculus' The Library of History (Book 13)
Plutarch's Life of Alcibiades
Diodorus Siculus' The Library of History (Book 13)