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Sunday, July 12, 2020

**Special Guest Episode on Greek Naval Warfare w/Marc DeSantis**

In today's special guest episode, I am joined by military historian Marc DeSantis. He is the author of Rome Seizes the Tridenta book about the rise of Republican Rome's naval forces, as well as over 200 published scholarly articles that have appeared in a wide range of international publications including MHQ, Military History, Ancient Warfare, Military History Monthly, History of War, and Ancient History Magazine. In addition to his historical writings, Marc is the author of The Memnon War, a series of science fiction novels, and he teaches English at Saint Peter’s University. 

Marc’s most recent book, "A Naval History of the Peloponnesian War: Ships, Men and Money in the War at Sea, 431-404 BC” will be the topic at hand today. In particular, we talk about ship designs, naval combat, and the financial burden of navies during the Peloponnesian War, as well as the overall war strategies of both sides.