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Monday, November 27, 2017

063 - The Lord of the Sea

In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Poseidon, the violent and unpredictable god who ruled over the sea

Monday, November 20, 2017

062 - Agricultural Festivals

In this episode, we discuss the Attic calendar year with a focus on the agricultural festivals and ceremonies; starting in the fall at the time of sowing we work our way around the year, month-by-month, until it is time to sow once again; particular attention is given to the Thesmophoria and the Eleusinian Mysteries but a dozen or so other festivals are described, including the Pyanepsia, the Oschophoria, the Chalkeia, the Proerosia, the Apaturia, the Haloa, the Thargelia, the Skira, the Kronia, the Herakleia, and the Boedromia (excluded are the Rural Dionysia, the Lenaia, the City Dionysia, and the Anthesteria)

Attic Calendar:

Pyanepsion (late October / early November)

Maimakterion (late November / early December)

Poseideion (late December /  early January)

Gamelion (late January / early February)

Anthesterion (late February / early March)

Elaphebolion (late March / early April)

Mounichion (late April / early May)

Thargelion (late May / early June)

Skirophorion (late June / early July)

Hekatombaion (late July / early August)

Metageitnion (late August  / early September)

Boedromion (late September / early October)

Sunday, November 12, 2017

061 - The "Two Goddesses"

In this episode, we discuss the primordial goddess Gaia (the personification of Mother Earth) and her relationship with Demeter, the goddess of agriculture; the myths and iconography of Demeter and her daughter Persephone / Kore (including the daughter's abduction by Hades); Persephone's dual role as Queen of the Underworld and an agriculture goddess, like her mother; and the various ways in which these two were worshipped together, particularly in the Peloponnese and Magna Graecia (but not including their Attic cults)

Primary Sources:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

060 - Hades and the Underworld

In this episode, we discuss the mysterious, shadowy figure of Hades (Lord of the Underworld); the Greek perception of the afterlife and those who dwell in it; necromancy (the summoning of the dead to answer questions); where and how one can make a katabasis (decent) into the Underworld; and Homer's description of the abode of Hades in Book Eleven of the Odyssey and then comparing and contrasting that with the description found in Virgil's Aeneid Book Six, all while taking a tour of the Underworld, its major features, and its inhabitants

Primary Sources: