In this episode, we discuss Greek love and sexuality by examining the formal social institution known as pederasty; the various philosophical theories of love as described by Plato (through various speakers) in his treatise, the Symposium; the various methods in which Athenian males (and non-citizen women) were able to have sex; the depiction of nudity and genitalia in art and masturbation; the various types of female and male prostitutes; pictorial and medical evidence for the daily life of prostitutes and philosophical and comedic representation of prostitution; and the lives of several famous hetairai (Rhodopis, Thargelia, Aspasia, Phryne, and Neaira)
Primary Sources:
Text/Plato's Symposium
Supplementary Resources (Videos, Photos, Other Podcasts)
Photo/Clay Statuette of Pederastic Couple, Zeus and Ganymedes
Primary Sources:

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