In this episode, we discuss the iconography of Herakles, his early myths, his infamous twelve labors, his later life, his heroic persona, how he was worshipped as a pan-Hellenic divine hero, some of his cults, including those in initiatory and pederastic contexts, as a guardian of the city, and as a military and wrestling champion; and his role as a founder of many Greek cities and as apostle of Hellenism in the western Mediterranean
Supplementary Resources (Videos, Photos, Other Podcasts)
Video/History Channel - Clash of the Gods - Hercules
Video/Heracles (Overly Sarcastic Productions)
Video/Heracles, the Universal Hero (part 1) (Greek Myth Comix)
Video/Heracles, the Universal Hero (part 1) (Greek Myth Comix)
Video/The Twelve Labors of Hercules - Rules Lawyering (Extra Credits)
Video/Heracles, the Universal Hero (part 2) - Metopes (Greek Myth Comix)
Map/First Six Labors in the Peloponnese

Recommended Podcast Episodes:
***Myths and Legends - Hercules: Labor Intensive***Myths and Legends - Hercules: The Best at What He Does
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